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Ráðstefna á vegum rannsóknarverkefnisisn Undirstöður landbúnaðarsamfélagsins



Haldin verður ráðstefnan Family, land and the household economy: Social and economic landscapes of rural society in early modern Europe í Háskóla Íslands dagana 8.-9. júní. Ráðstefnan er haldin á vegum Sagnfræðistofnunar og er skipulögð af rannsóknarverkefninu Undirstöður landbúnaðarsamfélagsins: Fjölskylda og heimilisbúskapur á Íslandi í byrjun 18. aldar sem Guðmundur Jónsson, prófessor í sagnfræði, veitir forstöðu.

Ráðstefnan verður í Odda 202. Aðgangur ókeypis.


Fimmtudagurinn 8. júní

  • 9.00-9.15. Guðmundur Jónsson. Welcome address
  • 9.15-10.15. Session 1. Chair: Guðmundur Jónsson.
    - Elisabeth Engberg. In a downward spiral? Subsistence crisis and long-term resilience and vulnerability in 19th century northern Sweden.
    - Astrid E.J. Ogilvie. Climate and Society in Early Modern Iceland.
  • 10.15-10.30. Coffee break.
  • 10.30-12.00. Session 2. Chair: Ólöf Garðarsdóttir.
    - Gunnar Thorvaldsen. 18th century remarriage mirrored in the 1801 census for Norway.
    - Elena Glavatskaya. "Rural Penalty": Russian women‘s life trajectories in 19th century Urals.
    - Evan Roberts. Kinship, proximity, and the neighborhood: New ways of understanding local connections in big data.
  • 12.00-13.15. Lunch at Háma.
  • 13.15-14.15. Session 3a. Chair and discussant: Evan Roberts.
    - Guðmundur Jónsson. Family and household economy in early eighteenth century Iceland: Project status. - Economic inequality in preindustrial Iceland: A study of wealth distribution in 1703.
    - Árni Daníel Júlíusson and Óskar Guðlaugsson. The structure and ownership of landed property in Iceland in 1703.
  • 14.15-14.20. Short  break.
  • 14.20-15.40. Session 3b. Chair and discussant: Evan Roberts.
    - Ingibjörg Jónsdottir and Óskar Guðlaugsson. Settlement patterns and peasant ecotypes in Iceland around 1700.
    - Ólöf Garðarsdóttir. Population structure, household formation and life course transitions during times of crisis: The case of Iceland 1703.
    - Discussion
  • 15.40-16.00. Coffee break
  • 16.00-16.45. Eric Vanhaute. Keynote. The making and unmaking of peasantries. Room HT101
  • 17.00-18.00. Reception hosted by the Institute of History. Library Room, Main Building.

Föstudagurinn 9. júní

  • 9.00-10.30. Session 4. Chair: Eric Vanhaute
    - Knut Dørum. The transformation of land ownership in Norway c. 1660–1850.
    - Magne Njåstad. Non-agrarian economic activities and local elites in rural societies.
    - Petri Talvitie. Landless labourers and the dissolution of commons in Finland in 1750–1850.
  • 10.30-10.45. Coffee break.
  • 10.45-12.15 Session 5. Chair: Astrid E.J. Ogilvie.
    - Merja Uotila. The expansion of the settlement in the Finnish parish of Iisalmi at the end of the 18th century.
    - Carolina Uppenberg. Domestic decisions: bargaining power, local labour markets and gendered labour organisation in 19th century Swedish semi-landless households.
    - Cormac Ó Gráda. The Irish Abroad: How Did They Fare? New Insights, New Data.
  • 12.15-13.30. Lunch at Hama
  • 13.30-14.30. Session 6. Chair: Elisabeth Engberg.
    - Marcin Solarz, Tomasz Panecki and Martyna Zarzycka. Toponymy and Anthroponymy of Polish Villages in the Carpathian Foothills as Evidence of the Durability of German Rural Colonization from the Middle Ages and Early Modernity.
    - Piotr Kolpak and Marta Raczynska-Kruk. "To Bring Everyone Together for Common Love and Harmony". The Role of the Village Court in the Everyday Life of the Polish Peasantry in the Modern Era.
  • 14.30-14.50. Coffee break
  • 14.50-15.50 Closing session: General discussion.
    Cormac O Grada: Conference comment. – Discussion. Wrap up.